By Crypto Investor Hub

BANKING TRANSFORMED INTO DEFI ! $GOBER DAOINTROI think we all already know how traditional banks work, we lend to individuals and companies, credit cards, shares, commissions at ATMs for withdrawing money and a host of other banking products With whom, being honest, we have to pay endless commissions. That is why today cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology They are so acclaimed by the people , because they avoid all that control by the institutions (for now).Keeping all this in mind and after several months of headaches I have achieved the way to develop the structure of traditional banking using blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DEFI); Applying the model of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and making use of smart contracts to provide transparency, autonomy and security ,serving as a base to create the following dapps; p2p lending crowfunding, ipo hub and the most common dapps like swap, staking and lp pools, all these dapps will be backed by a governance token $GOBER , and a secondary token in which the rewards of all the dapps will be received.24/7 SUPPORT : t.me/GOBERDAO... FOLLOW US ON TWITTER : twitter.com/DaoGober REWARED TOKEN: IT IS THE TOKEN IN WHICH YOU WILL RECEIVE THE REWARDS OF ALL THE DAPPS .TOKEN EXPLORER LINK: bscscan.com/token/0x... GOBERNANCE TOKEN: EVERYONE WHO APPLIES THE PROJECT THROUGH MIRROR WILL RECEIVE THIS TOKEN AND IT CAN BE USED AND REDEEMED ON ALL DAPPS. TOKEN EXPLORER LINK: bscscan.com/token/0x... What do $GOBER holders get?By supporting crowdfunding, supporters receive these benefits.- Access to the telegram group where all the details of the project will be clarified- The token $GOBER . that could be changed by BUSD , provide liquidity or put in staking finally you will also have voting power- One NFT , or two if you are in the top three

The total of tokens that have been created to give life to this project are 30k and will be distributed as follows.- 66% will be destined to mirror community that has supported this project from the beginning- 12% will be destined to distribute various marketing actions and send certain airdrops to give the project greater visibility- 22% will be destined to the creation of an initial pool in pancakeswap so that more people can acquire the tokenBack us here: mirror.xyz/0x228b9e... From $GOBER , made with love for the community.

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