What is ERC20 compatible wallet?

ERC-20 wallets guide and a features comparison.

By Vadim

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Before receiving any ERC20 tokens, you need to have a secure and compatible wallet to keep these tokens. There are many wallets for cryptocurrencies, but not all are compatible with ERC20 Standard Tokens .


  • do not use a centralized exchange account to receive ERC20 tokens
  • make sure you have access to your private keys when you provide the public address of your ERC20 compatible wallet.

List of ERC20 compatible wallets

Comparison of ERC20 wallets

NameChromeFirefoxBraveEdgeiOSAndroidOS XWindowsLinuxHardwareStaking
Custonomy ?????
Trust Wallet?
Coinbase Wallet?
Pillar ?
O3 Wallet ?
token.im ?
Coinomi ?
Enjin ?
MyCrypto ?
Status Wallet?
Atomic Wallet

Personal recommendation

For your browser, I recommend Metamask wallet, which is one of the most secure and easy-to-use wallets used by over 1 million users. For your mobile phone: Trust wallet or Coinbase Wallet. Getting a wallet with MetaMask is relatively easy and straightforward. Please follow the instructions and you will get your unique wallet set up in less than 5 minutes.

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