Curated Crypto and Web3 events in Hong Kong

This is a curated list of the events recommended by our team.

By Vadim

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Events in 2023

Event nameDateTimeLocationDescEntry
BITCOIN PIZZA DAY - Crypto Drinks x Pizza Project 22nd May6pm till LateBella Lee, 37 Peel St, CentralCasual catch up organised by Crypto Drinks, PizzaDAO & Pirata Group, Bella Lee, NounsDAO, WGMI, Remit DAO, Punk Cast and Pizza Project. Free pizza while supplies lastFree, need to register
AWS <> CryptoDrinks Web3 Meetup 23rd May5:00:00 PM - 7:00:00 PMHong Kong Convention and Exhibition CenterIn-person, crypto, #web3Invite
Keyrock's Launch Event 25th MayHKIn-person, company launchInvite
The 6th World WEB3 Summit 29th and 30th, May1:30:00 PM - 5:30:00 PMAsia world expo, HKIn-person, web3Paid
Radical Finance Asia 29th MayFreespace west kowloon, hkIn-person, #web3, #aiInvite / Paid
RadFi Sunset Party 29th May17:00 to 20:30West Kowloon, Cultural District, No. 18 Museum Dr, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongFinoverse Radical Finance Asia Networking Party powered by Huobi.​A night packed with networking & conversations over canapes & drinks.Invite
FintechHK Market Insights Series: Charting a New Future with Digital Assets - Navigating the Latest Regulations 2nd June2:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PMHKOnline, #fintechFree
Hong Kong Fintech Week 30th Oct to 5th NovHong Kong Convention and Exhibition CenterIn-person, fintechPaid

Events in 2024

Event nameDateTimeLocationDescEntry
IFINEXPO HONGKONG--Innovative Finance Expo 12th March and 13th March9:00:00 AM - 5:00:00 PMHong Kong Convention and Exhibition CentreIn-person, finance expoPaid


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