Vadim Zolotokrylin

CEO & co-founder of Holdex

By Vadim

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Vadim Zolotokrylin is the CEO and co-founder of Holdex, a thriving Web3 startup studio that promotes inclusive financial services by leveraging blockchain technology. Residing in Hong Kong with his family, Vadim encountered various challenges concerning banking inclusivity, which ignited his passion for decentralized finance and fostering services for all.

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Vadim Zolotokrylin is a dedicated entrepreneur and problem-solver who entered the blockchain space a decade ago to make financial services more accessible and inclusive. As a technology partner, he has been instrumental in the success of numerous decentralized finance startups, which are now part of the Holdex portfolio and collectively manage over $1 billion in assets.

Before founding Holdex, Vadim spent eight years as a product owner and developer at various early-stage tech companies, guiding them through successful investment rounds and market entry.

As the most successful Holdex venture, Vadim directs the product and technology for Clearpool , which has resulted in over $650M in loans financed on the blockchain. He also leads the research and development of the (an app-specific L1 blockchain for real-world economic data and indexes).

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